
Posts Tagged ‘mistaken identity’

A tall dark guy lifted weights next to me at the gym today. I glanced at him briefly, looked away, and then my head swung back for another look. For a second there, I thought President Obama was working out beside me! Later, I was stopped at traffic lights, and Ross Geller pulled up beside me. Then Karl Pilkington from the Idiot Abroad stupidly ran across the street in front of the traffic. Further down the road Phil Mickelson unlocked his car, Helen Mirren took Paris Hilton’s dog for a walk around the bay, and Newt Gringrich strolled past. (That was a bit scary). Cliff Curtis took a phone call as he stood on the beach, and Mark Wahlberg went for a run. Mark Zuckerburg whizzed past on a skateboard. A tiny Reese Witherspoon appeared stressed, muttering to herself as she headed for the city. Alanis Morissette was obviously also in a hurry, scurrying along hoping to beat the rain.

I sat and watched, as I waited for my appointment. I was hoping for George Clooney to approach asking for directions, or for Daniel Craig to emerge dripping wet from the bay, but of course I had no such luck.

The parade along the Parade continued. Jennifer Lopez was casual in her trackies, power walking to firm that butt, and Natalie Portman and Prince William jogged by, chatting. The kid from Jerry Maguire wobbled along on his bike (with training wheels) and his dad from Malcolm in the Middle followed, looking appropriately ridiculous on an equally small bicycle. And as the heavens opened, a young Whoopi Goldberg, with fabulous long dreadlocks, got caught in the downpour.

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